Monday, January 24, 2011

As promised...

So here's the "clues" or "questions" or whatever, some of them have the terms following, some don't, no need to guess a number 1 - 100 ( 2 and 12 Shanda.. all the way).

Development Jeopardy

Personality Jeopady

Don't forget to work on your paper, with delay of game, due Friday 1/28, also those 4 questions?, Due Wednesday. The test for chapters 9 and 10 is also Friday. If you're lucky I'll post short answer hints here in a day or two, IF you're lucky.

For class Friday let's chat about moral development and Kohlberg. I think ya'll need a brush up/review with Piaget too. Also, let's  review differences between different schools of thought with personality theory (Psychoanalysts, Humanists, Behaviorists (or Social-Cognitive/Social-Learning, Trait Theorists)).

Please get your collective act together.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Personality Theory: Psychodynamic: Freud and Jung

Jung's "Red Book"

Freud, chillin'
Let's start Chapter 10 by taking a focus on the first fully developed theories
of personality. You've only got 10 questions that you need to deal with by Tuesday. The focus is on the Psychodynamic perspective, particularly Freud and Jung, you can give yourself a super easy to understand overview of their theories, once again created by Michael Britt. Click on "Personality Part 2". 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Piaget and Erikson: Stages of Development

Get to know Piaget a little better with this brief overview from UC Berkeley. The take a look at the following series of videos that demonstrate Piaget's Stages:
 Stage 1 - Sensorimotor, Object Permanence (1:03)
Stage 2 - Preoperational, Lack of Conservation (2:16)
Stage 3 - Concrete - Reversibility (0:56)
Stage 4 - Formal - Deductive Reasoning (0:58) 

So Piaget's focus was on Cognitive Development, but Erik Erikson was more interested in how our personality and social relationships interact to influence our development. He believed that all humans face common obstacles at different points in our lives. He worked out 8 basic stages of Psychosocial Development common to all. To gain true understanding of the stages of development you should read all the relevant info in your text. You may also want to check out this overview. The following video will MAKE you remember each and every stage of Erikson's for life, but you have to watch the entire thing at least once and give it your full attention. Force yourself yo connect to everything Mr. Britt is doing. It's 18 minutes long, deal with it.

And last but not least, these Developmental Psych Cliff Notes provide an EXCELLENT overview of lifespan development. Click around on the tabs on the left for more detail

Friday, January 7, 2011

Baby Ducks, Tortured Monkeys and a "Strange Situation": UPDATED HARLOW LINK

Please make sure you watch all three of the following videos. They relate to pages 370 - 373.

Konrad Lorenz and Imprinting

Mary Ainsworth and Attachment Studies

Harry Harlow and Contact Comfort, UPDATE: sorry about the bad link earlier. The following article appeared in the Boston Globe a few years back and does a good job explaining the impact of Harlow's research on both Psychology and the Animal Right's Movement.