Sunday, October 23, 2011

Perception.... or "Think that You Might be Wrong"

What is the nature of perception? I think at this point we can all agree that no matter our definition, the word SUBJECTIVE must be part of it. The resources below should help as a review.

From the man who brought us "Hypo the Llamas" and "Wig Dala", a great little video that covers some of the basics and interesting tid-bits of Gestalt principles. If you're having difficulty visualizing all the different Gestalt laws take a look at any of the three following pages, which examine the principles from perspectives:
For those of you that were lovin' the illusions, here's the page that we were working with in class. There are over 92 illusions, categorized and explained. Enjoy!

And last, but not least, the assignment. Go to the Howard Hughes Medical Institutes "Seeing, Hearing and Smelling the World". The site does a truly fantastic job in exploring some new areas of research involving sensation and perception. You should prepare your response according to the these guidelines for class on Tuesday.


  1. I watched the Psych Files podcast on Gestalt principles. The podcast reminded me of the "Man on the Horse" experiment we did in class. It helped to explain how people are wired look for patterns when perceiving images.
    The man who claimed he saw the face of Mary on a lemon made me go 0_o. Because to me, it just looked like random marks (& fungus!). This example showed how we perceive things to relate to our own lives.

  2. I dnt kno if we were suppose to respond to the blog but these video helped me learn better. I think I have to see examples nd audio of the topic in order for me to get it. I really didn't see Mary on the lemon. I just saw marks on the lemon. I dnt see how he saw it. ..

  3. The law of proximity & perceptional organization is interesting.

  4. I like the post about Gestalt graphic design because it shows how our mind perceives individual images once they are grouped when certain principles are applied .

  5. Thanks to the Gestalt Graphic design post, I now can fully understand the law of proximity and the closure concept.

  6. "great little video"---> very helpful..loved the different examples.

    I think its amazing how we see patterns, and if we focus hard enough and open our minds there are many things that can be seen with the human eye..

  7. The videos helped out a lot because sometimes I didn't perceive what the videos said I should... so that is an clear example of how not everyone perceives everything the same which is very cool!

  8. The video was a eye opener. He explained it in a way that was very clear to me,and after I watched it I felt confident in my knowlegde:-)

  9. Watching the gestalt psychology video gave me a better understanding of how the mind/brain aids in recognizing patterns and why, as well as how we make complete assumptions without having all of the pieces to a puzzle.

  10. reviewing the videos was very interesting. I grasped a better concept on certain topics and aspects we covered in class

  11. The video helped a bunch. The concept of it all is now more clearer.

  12. Well, I asked Mr. Coco about perception when....
